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Immediate impact. From day one.
No thick files and long presentations, but a no-nonsense approach with a lasting impact and an ever-growing group of ambassadors.
That’s how our fire spreads.
1. URGENCYNo project hits the heart without a clear urgency. The need for change is felt by head and heart. • Urgency scan • The right coalition • Team kick off
2. IMPACT STRATEGYThe good answer. We (re)awaken the company soul and connect it to today’s challenges. • Purpose definition • Impact Strategy • Concept development
3. BRANDINGTo start a fire we need visual impact. Our studio designs for you. Or we coach your agency. • Identity • Design • Campaign coaching
4. SAFE LANDINGAct, show & proof. Do different. Bringing the change alive in & outside the organization. • Ambassador program • Speech & pitch training • Impact partnerships (Public & Private)
5. POSITIVE ACTIVISMSpreading the fire & living the brand. Good brands take a stand and dare to speak up. • Spread the word (PR) • Storytelling • Impact improvement
6. COACHINGOngoing impact accelerator for leaders, brands and organisations. • Brand activism coaching • Supply chain optimization
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